Saturday, February 14, 2015

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4 Reasons to Avoid For Being Successful in Life

Failure is not fatal but its the courage to continue that counts.Try again and again but never fail to try again.Be better, every time you fail in life you will gain knowledge about plan that wont work in life.Tell yourself that you deserve better that life has to offer. Experience the fear of taking decisions that are true to yourself.

Avoid these things in life.Just throw these four reason in dustbin today

1.What people will think if you fail to achieve your goals

Master your Mind or Your mind will master you.Always think positive because your thoughts create a person you are now.Change it before they change you to a totally different person.Most of people will bring out whats wrong with you because they cant handle what is right about you.

2. Attitude to deny your mistake and failure

One of biggest mistake one make in life is to deny their mistakes rather then learning from them. Failure is not getting failed in life but repeating same mistake again and again.Ask yourself What did you learn? What was the lesson?.Based on answers change your strategy to achieve your goals.Just life those video games when one plan doesn't work go for another to win the game of success and life.

3.Making your destiny a scapegoat

Its not your fault that you were born in such conditions but surely is your fault if you die making your destiny a scapegoat for failure. Many are born with disabilities but its one attitude to live life as disable or differently able."I once cried because i had no shoes to play football with my friends,but when i saw a man who had no feet i realized who rich i am."Zinedine Zidane

4.Doubting Yourself

Many of us stop our progress towards success when we start doubting our self.Real answers of one's doubt are not answered by our mind but by our hearts When you start questioning yourself "Why am I here?" "Is it really worth it?" "Will the problems and challenges ever end?".Go out from your nutshell and find real answers and purpose of living a life. There is always something special in us.Whether you realize it or not, the world is a better place because you are here.


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